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Leadership Skills Online Course

  • Approved by CPD
Leadership Skills Online Training Course

A business which does not have an effective leader will typically end up drifting along. It will struggle to adapt quickly to changing market conditions as decisions are slow to be made, and even when they are made, employees may be resistant to the change if they are not inspired to follow management down this new path.

An effective leader will often instil a high level of teamwork amongst the group, allowing for greater collaboration and quicker achievement of tasks. If the leader is well-respected and held in high regard by those working for them, workers will often strive to impress the leader and gain their praise.

This online course will introduce you to some of the important techniques and theories that can help you to improve your leadership skills and be more effective in your role.

There are multiple choice questions at the end of each unit. Those who successfully achieve the minimum mark required to pass these assessments are rewarded with a printable certificate.

An e-learning course is ideal for those who cannot get time away from the workplace and do not require a tailored course which deals with specific risks. If you do, then an open course or bespoke/in-house course will be much more suitable for your requirements.

The course comprises the following modules:

  • Module 1: Leadership and Management
  • Module 2: Leadership Theories
  • Module 3: Team Development and Leadership
  • Module 4: Individuals Within Teams
  • Module 5: Communicating One-to-One with Individuals
  • Module 6: Moving Forward Together

Single Licence

A person taking an online training course on a laptop computer

Individuals looking to take the Leadership Skills online course can purchase a single user license for £15.00 + vat. This license grants unlimited access to the course, with no time restrictions, for one user only.

Please click the link below to complete the booking form and payment online.

Once we have received this we will set-up your access to the course within 24-48 hours, and e-mail you your log-in details to the address provided on the booking form.

Buy Single Licence

Multiple Licences for Businesses

A group of employees and business professionals

If you are a business or organisation and have a number of employees that you would like to take the Leadership Skills online course, we offer discounts for multiple purchases, with a greater discount amount available the more courses that are purchased.

Purchasing a business license will grant the buyer administration access from where they can issue log-in usernames and passwords to their employees. This allows businesses to take advantage of the greater discounts on offer even if they do not currently know the names of every individual who will be taking the online course, which is particularly useful if you plan to grant access to employees over a period of time rather than all at once (e.g. getting new starters to complete the course). It also negates the need to fill in a massively long booking form with all their names when purchasing!

The pricing and discount structure available for mutiple purchases of this course is currently:

  • 2-9 Licenses: £14.50 + vat each
  • 10-49 Licenses: £14.00 + vat each
  • 50-99 Licenses: £13.50 + vat each
  • 100+ Licenses: Contact us for a custom quote
Buy Multiple Licences

Unlimited Usage Subscription

Online Training Courses Unlimited Usage

Take the hassle out of sourcing individual training courses by giving your employees unlimited access to all 114 online video courses (click here to view all titles) with an annual subscription.

  • The convenience of training anywhere with an internet connection
  • Keep knowledge up to date and learn new skills
  • You allocate users, giving you full control and flexibility
  • Ability to monitor each individual’s progress and check course completion
  • Make a one-off payment or pay by monthly instalments
Users Monthly Cost Buy Now
1-10 £150 + vat  Buy Now
11-25 £250 + vat  Buy Now
26-50 £350 + vat  Buy Now
51-100 £450 + vat  Buy Now
101-250 £800 + vat  Buy Now
251-500 £1,200 + vat  Buy Now
501-750 £1,500 + vat  Buy Now
751-1,000 £1,900 + vat  Buy Now
1,001-2,500 £3,400 + vat  Buy Now
2,501-5,000 £4,500 + vat  Buy Now

Featured Online Courses

Please see below for a few featured online courses from our range of 85 online video courses (click here to view all titles).

COSHH Training

Online COSHH Training Course

COSHH hazards (substances which are harmful to health) exist in just about every single place or work, making it one of the most important topics in staff health and safety training.

Our COSHH e-learning course will cover issues such as the different types of hazards, COSHH risk assements and emergency planning.

Click Here for More Information

Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills Online Training Course

A business which does not have an effective leader will typically end up drifting along. It will struggle to adapt quickly to changing market conditions as decisions are slow to be made, and even when they are made, employees may be resistant to the change if they are not inspired to follow management down this new path.

This online course will introduce you to some of the important techniques and theories that can help you to improve your leadership skills and be more effective in your role.

Click Here for More Information

Manual Handling

Manual Handling Online Training Course

Manual handling related injuries are another hazard which virtually all employees have the potential to experience. This, coupled with the possible serious long-term medical conditions that can occur such as permanent debilitating back pain, make manual handling training essential.

Our manual handling e-learning course will cover issues such as describing what manual handling is, manual handling regulations, practical manual handling solutions and the use of mechanical aids.

Click Here for More Information

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness Online Training Course

This online course explains the difference between mental health and mental illness. It covers the symptoms of a number of the most common mental illnesses so you will know what to look out for or what to expect if you are working with someone with one of these conditions.

The course will also provide some practical advice on how you can work effectively with those affected by these conditions.

Click Here for More Information

Do you need some advice?

Discuss your training requirements today with one of our expert advisers.

Manager, Leader or Both?

The roles of being a manager and being a leader are often intertwined, so much so that it is sometimes difficult to separate them and make exact definitions of each. Whilst the term 'management' tends to be concerned with the organising of people, delegating tasks, allocating resources, ensuring tasks are completed on time etc, 'leadership' usually focuses on the ability of the leader to motivate and inspire others to achieve those goals.

When answering the question "what is leadership?", most answers revolve around the personality traits which a leader possesses that enables them to get subordinates on board in order to achieve the organisation's objectives.

Find Out More

We can design a leadership development programme around your exact requirements. Contact us to find out more!

What Makes a Good Leader?

The qualities that make up a good leader are subject to some debate, but the most effective leaders are usually charismatic individuals who are able to inspire and motivate those beneath them in the organisational hierarchy to 'buy-in' to the objectives and work diligently towards their achievement. An effective leader will often instil a high level of teamwork amongst the group, allowing for greater collaboration and quicker achievement of tasks. If the leader is well-respected and held in high regard by those working for them, workers will often strive to impress the leader and gain their praise.

Leadership Objectives

Different objectives require different styles of leadership, and the leadership qualities that achieve one set of objectives may not be that well suited to the achievement of different goals.

For example the leader of a research and development team may need to be a charismatic, creative individual who can inspire others to generate and develop new ideas. On the other hand, the leader of an army unit will need to be a decisive, no-nonsense individual who is good at enforcing discipline.

Leadership Training

Many of the qualities that a leader possesses which make them effective are to a large extent part of their personality, which means that no amount of training could make them proficient in certain traits. However, leadership training plays a vital role in developing and improving upon the base level of qualities that already exist within the person, even if they are well-hidden within a person and require a number of coaching sessions to bring them out.

By embarking on a leadership training programme, a leader will improve and expand upon those qualities that make them an effective leader. When combined with management training courses, these leadership qualities and management ability will create a person who can lead their organisation or department through the numerous challenges which it may encounter in the future, as well as working towards achieving the set goals and objectives.

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