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First Line Managers e-Book Package

  • 12 Month Subscription
  • Unlimited Downloads
  • £1,050.00 + VAT
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Being a manager can be one of the toughest roles in business. Not only is there a tremendous amount of pressure involved from being responsible for a number of people, as well as the direction of the business, but there are also a broad range of skills which need to be learnt and utilised in order to be an effective manager.

Consequently, it is little wonder that those new to a managerial role for the first time, or those who are about to become a new manager, require a lot of support, training and guidance at the start of their new position.

As well as providing management training courses, two of the most popular of which - our First Line Manager course and the ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management - are ideal for those new to a managerial position, we have also put together a set of twelve Useful Guide e-books. These Useful Guides deal with a number of important aspects and necessary skills for managers, including delegation, communication and conducting appraisals. They cover a broad range of topics to assist you in meeting your management objectives, as well as widening your managerial skills base.

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Related Course:

New female manager
First Line Manager Course

This 2-day classroom course is one of our most popular open courses. It is intended for those new to management, or those with little experience in the role, who wish to acquire a firm understanding of the foundations needed as they begin their journey as a manager.

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Useful Guide Libraries

Useful Guide e-books on laptop computer

All Useful Guides are also available via an annual unlimited user licence in the form of a Useful Guide Library subscription. This allows you to make the Useful Guides available to all of your employees as part of their training and development resources.

There are currently over 80 Useful Guides available to choose from, covering a variety of different topics and issues including personal development, management and leadership skills, communication, health & well-being and productivity to name just a few.

Your unique Useful Guide Library will be a dedicated portal accessed by secure username and password login, and a download tracker for monitoring the number of Guides downloaded since the start of your subscription. Library and download tracker setup is included in the cost of the subscription.

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Useful Guides in this Package

Career Development
Communicating Effectively
Dealing With Difficult Behaviour
Managing Meetings
Managing Performance
Managing Teams
Problem Solving
Self Management

Purchase Now - £1,050 + vat

We can design a management training programme around your exact requirements. Contact us to find out more!

Why are Management e-Books Useful?

Of course, one of the primary ways in which to improve your skills as a manager is to enrol on a management training course. Very few people, if any, are born as good managers. While they may have the personal attributes that enable them to become an effective manager and leader, without proper training and guidance they will struggle to use these talents to their fullest extent.

A good managerial course will teach you a lot of information, but it is not always practical for you to attend a classroom training course, or even sit on one that is conducted virtually online. As a manager, your time will often be extremely limited, with so much happening during the working day and so many demands upon your time and attention, that you simply are unable to undergo a management training course. This is where management e-books can be so useful.

A management e-book provides you with the opportunity to learn new things and/or keep your existing knowledge and skills sharp and up to date at a time that suits you and fits in with your working and personal time commitments. Because they are books which can be downloaded and read at a time of your choosing, your learning can take place whenever is convenient for you.

Not only this, but they can be read over and over again unlike, say, a classroom course where you get once chance to listen and absorb what is taught. With an e-book, the key points can be re-read as many times as needed in order to get the information to stick in your memory. By learning this crucial knowledge, and being able to recall it when needed, it will prove a vital help to you as a manager, as you drive the business forward towards achieving its maximum potential.

Are Management e-books as Good as a Training Course?

If you have a need for management training, either for yourself or for one or more of your employees, we would always recommend management training courses first and foremost. Although they may not be as convenient as turning on a device to read a virtual e-book, delegates who attend a training course that is led by an experienced trainer often come away with far more retained knowledge and practical tips.

This usually occurs because delegates are far more engaged when attending a course than they would otherwise be if they just read words from a page. No matter how well-written the e-book is or how charismatic the author is in their writing, chances are that a reader will begin to get a little sleepy and begin reading the words but not really store away the knowledge being imparted; which is so crucial for future reference when back in the workplace.

An engaging course on the other hand will keep delegates alert, through the introduction of elements such as humour and group activities. Attendees who enjoy the training will end up retaining far more knowledge than those who mentally “switch off”. This is such an important concept that it is a key component of the syllabus for our highly effective and popular Train The Trainer course.

Combining e-Books with Management Training Courses

Many of our clients actually choose both formats when providing management training to their junior managers or line managers. They will arrange for them to attend a classroom course, either enrolling on an open course date or commissioning a bespoke, in-house management training programme which tailors the course syllabus to their specific industry and provides the best value for money overall.

In addition to the course, they will also provide their managers with access to the management e-books. These will serve to reinforce the information learnt on the training course, and will provide handy opportunities to refresh the knowledge that can be lost as time passes since they attended the initial course. Keeping this managerial knowledge at the front of their minds will serve them (and their organisation) in good stead as they continue to manage different projects, people and process in the future.

The e-books can also be used to help any new manager to the company, or those newly promoted from within to the role of manager while they wait to go on a more formal management training course in the near future when their work schedule allows.

So whether it is helping a manager to delegate effectively (or at all), manage teams efficiently or communicate more effectively with those around them, our management e-books, in combination with our management training courses, can equip you or your managers with the tools and skills needed to help your business be successful.

Other e-Book Packages

Leadership Useful Guide E-book Package

This selection of twelve Useful Guides covers some of the most important aspects of successful leadership and the management of teams and individuals.

Click Here for More Information

Healthy at Work Useful Guide E-book Package

This package provides access to eight Useful Guides related to psychological health and well-being for an individual in a place of work.

Click Here for More Information

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